Ce WE, c'est l' "International Scrapbooking Day" ! Profitez de cet évènement pour vous offrir les derniers kits de vos designeuses favorites à prix réduits !
This weekend, it's the "International Scrcapbooking Day" ! Take advantage of this event to give yourself the new kits of your favourite designers with a special discount !
"Fresh Pretty" by Magali Designs @SPD

"Sweets" by Bisontine @DigitalCrea

N'oubliez pas "True Love" de ma copine BellisaE dispo à 1€ pendant le WE chez DigitalCrea !
Don't miss "True Love" by my friend BellisaE available at 1€ during the WE at DigitalCrea !

Thanks for looking and Happy InSD !
{{{- HUGS -}}}